Our Cleaning Standards

Extensive Cleaning & Sanitation

We would like to ensure that you do not have any hesitation in booking with us when it comes to the cleanliness of the property you have rented. We take it very seriously and it is one of our top priorities at this unique time we are all going through.

rockport escapes cleaning standards

We are using an electrostatic sprayer to disinfect and sterilize all properties. We are also using a cleaner geared specifically toward the Coronavirus in the sprayer.


We are connected to the local health authorities, CDC and WHO to make sure we are knowledgeable of any new ways the virus is spread and the proper cleaning products and procedures to use.


We have trained our housekeeping staff on the correct way to disinfect hard surfaces, sanitize soft surfaces and deep clean highly touched areas like light switches, remote controls, knobs and door handles.


We have instructed them to refrain from touching their nose, eyes and mouth with unwashed hands. In addition, when they wash their hands, they need to do so for 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.


All cleaning products used are on the approved CDC list and the disinfectants for soft surfaces are registered with the EPA.


All sheets, bedding and towels are washed in our commercial laundry facility at 120 degrees and dried at 180 degrees. This will ensure they are free from all germs and viruses. Our laundry technicians are also washing their hands often and refraining from touching their face, nose or eyes.